
Injured and written up

I was injured at work Saturday. While I had every safety precaution on my machine, the frame of a component broke and stored air pressure released, basically guillotining my hand between two very thin sheets of metal. Had I not had gloves on or it landed on my fingers, it would have been tremendously worse. However, I did go to urgent care where I was told I had a sprain. Today I did a safety walk through with plant management and they added safety guards while I was off. They then accused me of removing said guards multiple times during my walk through. I jumped them over this. Well before shift end, I got pulled in and written up over my injury. The paper mentioned I took apart the safety guard. I refused to sign it until they corrected this. (I had to sign because my hands were where they…

I was injured at work Saturday. While I had every safety precaution on my machine, the frame of a component broke and stored air pressure released, basically guillotining my hand between two very thin sheets of metal. Had I not had gloves on or it landed on my fingers, it would have been tremendously worse. However, I did go to urgent care where I was told I had a sprain.

Today I did a safety walk through with plant management and they added safety guards while I was off. They then accused me of removing said guards multiple times during my walk through. I jumped them over this.

Well before shift end, I got pulled in and written up over my injury. The paper mentioned I took apart the safety guard. I refused to sign it until they corrected this. (I had to sign because my hands were where they weren’t supposed to be)

Now there’s emails going through the plant telling people of my injury with my name stretched to it.

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