
Don’t be a dick to Night Shift, folks.

I work night shift, as do several people I know both in person and online. In that time every single one of us have had at least one coworker from Day Shift directly confront us with “You're lazy,” “you never do anything,” etc. along that line. When questioned as to what possible fucking basis they could have for saying this, the answers all came down to a) you don't fulfill the exact same job duties as I do so I decided you're not doing anything, b) I don't see your work happening so I assume its not happening at all, and c) I perceive your job as easier than mine for (X) reasons and resent you for having it easier than me. Folks.. Don't shit on your night shift workers. Just don't do it. Things are happening whether or not you witness them happening. If night shift truly is slacking,…

I work night shift, as do several people I know both in person and online. In that time every single one of us have had at least one coworker from Day Shift directly confront us with “You're lazy,” “you never do anything,” etc. along that line. When questioned as to what possible fucking basis they could have for saying this, the answers all came down to a) you don't fulfill the exact same job duties as I do so I decided you're not doing anything, b) I don't see your work happening so I assume its not happening at all, and c) I perceive your job as easier than mine for (X) reasons and resent you for having it easier than me.

Folks.. Don't shit on your night shift workers. Just don't do it. Things are happening whether or not you witness them happening. If night shift truly is slacking, you will know for certain because it will be difficult if not impossible for any other shifts to do their duties, keep items stocked, keep facilities up to standard, etc. And in that case, let the managers know. But if they are managers worth a damn they will sort it out before you get the chance.

If you don't think your coworker is pulling their weight, begin by finding out what their actual duties are before you judge them on whether or not they are fulfilling them. Or better yet, just focus on your own job duties. A bit of Mind Your Own Fucking Business goes a long way.

If the stress of the job has made you so fucking sour and toxic that your reaction to your coworkers (consciously or unconsciously) is 'Fuck You for having an easier time than Me', your coworker and their performance or lack thereof isn't the problem anymore.

Also by accusing night shift (or any shift) of being lazy (especially to their faces), you are telling management and everyone up the ladder from you that you know everyone elses job duties well enough to be policing whether or not they're getting done. Which is the managements job. So even if you are 100% right and that night shifter IS slacking, you still look like an overstepping asshole who will cause drama just to be right. And if you overstep and turns out you're wrong? You just insulted your coworker AND management, brought toxic social energy into your workplace, and earned a reputation as an asshole that will linger and possibly follow you to the next job should any of your old coworkers be acquainted in any way with any of your new coworkers.

Don't be a dick to night shift. Or anyone. Just be glad you don't have to keep the same waking hours as Nosferatu.

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