Several months ago as I was scrolling through Reddit, I found the r/antiwork subbreddit. After reading so many different stories of nonsense people dealt with from a wide range employer's, it really made me take a hard look at my work life and how shitty it really was. For the last 3 years I worked as a machine Operator on what's classified as a continuous operating machine which mean 12 hr shift no actual lunch as lunch is to be ate while running the machine, 60 hr work week Mon-Fri and at least one mandatory Sat a month. Also, there is almost zero room for growth because they always hired management from outside that have zero experience in our field, other than management in some random ass company. The list of bullshit was endless. My life was literally work, try to sleep, work, repeat. Enter r/antiwork! I finally said enough is enough. I never thought I would find the courage to attempt to want to leave my job but I found that strength right here with all of you. And man was it the best decision I've ever made. Since, leaving I opened a small thrift store and a handy man service and man I couldn't be happier. I work about half as much, make my own hours, and make just as much if not more than I did before and I am indebted to this reddit for helping change my life so fellow redditors I just want to say…….Thank you!!!