
Boss doesn’t care that there is a child at the workplace with a weapon

I'll keep it brief. My partner and I got a job at a fancy resort for like millionaires. Everyone there has a several million-dollar mansion and filthy rich. We worked in the orchard and garden area and the boss was always on our case about how to act when the members where around (even though they barely where). For instance, whenever we saw a member, we had to stop what we were doing and say hi, constantly. We did that, but ONE time we didn't because it was a couple obviously having a heated/private conversation, so we just walked around them. Our boss instantly commented and said we should have interrupted them… to say “hi”. Things where like this constantly, for instance my partner is very outgoing and often got in long chats with the members, who all appreciated it and where obviously engaged in the conversation. Next thing we…

I'll keep it brief. My partner and I got a job at a fancy resort for like millionaires. Everyone there has a several million-dollar mansion and filthy rich. We worked in the orchard and garden area and the boss was always on our case about how to act when the members where around (even though they barely where). For instance, whenever we saw a member, we had to stop what we were doing and say hi, constantly. We did that, but ONE time we didn't because it was a couple obviously having a heated/private conversation, so we just walked around them. Our boss instantly commented and said we should have interrupted them… to say “hi”. Things where like this constantly, for instance my partner is very outgoing and often got in long chats with the members, who all appreciated it and where obviously engaged in the conversation. Next thing we know the boss is complaining that my partner doesn't have to shake everyone's hand…

We would constantly work long 8 1/2 hour days outside in the hot sun with only a 1/2 lunch break as a break. If you paused at all during the day the boss would ask, “are you good?” As in, get back to work.

I could continue with a million other issues, but I'll get to the final day. It's outdoors so sometimes they would have racoons or rabbits eating some of the flowers or messing up the trash. So the head boss sent their 14 year old kid out with an automatic rifle (not sure what kind specifically but it had 556 rounds, could easily kill a person) to shoot rabbits. So unknown to us there is a child walking around our workplace with a deadly weapon. Side note, both of us are military, we are not scared of guns and love to go to the range and shoot BUT… it is different though when I am at work and it's a child! Anyway, we very politely asked the boss if he could at least give us a warning next time there is a child wandering around shooting stuff and he just looked at us like we where crazy and asked what our problem was. Then asked if we could drive the tractor because the kid isn't old enough to drive it himself…

Oh also basically since we are both military they just thought they could work us to death. We'd be out in direct sunlight all day, doing manual labor, and ask for like one break and their response would be that we should be used to it. Also the only “vacation time” we could get off was for military training. Nothing else.

Later the boss had a complete meltdown when we tried to switch tasks with each other at one point. We decided enough was enough and quit on the spot.

This happened months ago but it's still seriously bothering me getting treated like absolute crap for minimum wage.

After that I've been taking a break from normal work and focusing on my writing. To which my family keeps reminding me to get a real job. Why get a real job that barely gives you any money and destroys your soul?! That was an absolute shit experience.

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