
“Raises aren’t in the budget this year”

For anyone that's been fed this line I just want to share my story with you. Myself and a bunch of my coworkers(nurses for a Canadian health care company) were asking about pay increases to somewhat keep up with inflation. We were told for the entire year that raises in general, let alone inflation adjustments weren't in the budget as one area of the company had low income over the last 2 years due to the pandemic(our area has made significantly more over the pandemic due to increased workload on nurses). I threatened to quit about 6 weeks ago as “I don't see a future at this company if I'm effectively taking a paycut every year.” I was told that there would be a “thorough review of your compensation package.” This week I got an 8% raise. I also then immediately told all my coworkers who made the same as…

For anyone that's been fed this line I just want to share my story with you. Myself and a bunch of my coworkers(nurses for a Canadian health care company) were asking about pay increases to somewhat keep up with inflation. We were told for the entire year that raises in general, let alone inflation adjustments weren't in the budget as one area of the company had low income over the last 2 years due to the pandemic(our area has made significantly more over the pandemic due to increased workload on nurses). I threatened to quit about 6 weeks ago as “I don't see a future at this company if I'm effectively taking a paycut every year.” I was told that there would be a “thorough review of your compensation package.” This week I got an 8% raise. I also then immediately told all my coworkers who made the same as me that this happened so they can advocate for themselves with this knowledge. Keep pushing for raises and be the squeeky wheel. Also, always discuss your pay with your coworkers. The only people who benefit from you keeping your compensation quiet are the owners/shareholders of your company.

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