
Quit the job?

So I work in the hotel as an receptionist and its not a very good job. I mean the standards here are shit and Im not proud od what Im doing. Example: People found Bugs in one of the rooms like a month ago but the menagment ignored it, some time ago this problem came back and more people started telling us about this. So what our Boss (hotel owner) did? Yes he sprayed the room with something and told us to sell it as normal (everytime something happends in the rooms and we close them he gets mad). Example 2: Very VERY often people tell us that the room smells bad and we never know what to say couse every other room smells like that. Example 3: There is mold in almost every room, our cleaning stuff does what they can but There is just so much you can…

So I work in the hotel as an receptionist and its not a very good job. I mean the standards here are shit and Im not proud od what Im doing. Example: People found Bugs in one of the rooms like a month ago but the menagment ignored it, some time ago this problem came back and more people started telling us about this. So what our Boss (hotel owner) did? Yes he sprayed the room with something and told us to sell it as normal (everytime something happends in the rooms and we close them he gets mad). Example 2: Very VERY often people tell us that the room smells bad and we never know what to say couse every other room smells like that. Example 3: There is mold in almost every room, our cleaning stuff does what they can but There is just so much you can do. Ofc nothing special is done about this even if the Boss knows that very well. There is very little respect, boss calls in front of other workers some girls that work in the restaurant BITCHES (and in the insulting not “funny” way), those girls are pretty slow and make mistakes but Still its very rude and not fair. Boss also does everything to spend as little money as possible. He doesnt pay overtime, doesnt give you meals also no benefits. People are also very toxic and talk about everyone behind thier back. Once I was even blamed for the problem I didn't cause by other receptionist. It was problem she caused, I just had to deal with it on my shift but she works here few years so ofc the menager will be on her side (he got kinda quiet when I told him the truth but he never admitted that he was wrong) There are some people here that i really like and bonded with them but i don't know if it can keep me here. I've got a call from a better hotel, I Don't know anything yet couse my interview is in two days but I think I would love to work there. But the thing is, if I took this job I would need to leave this one very suddenly and it would be a problem for the rest of the receptionists couse they would have to take my shifts. I havent signed anything for this and next month so Im free. I really Don't want to cause problems but i don't think that the other job will wait for me. So idk…
Sorry for english

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