
Being qualified for the position doesn’t mean anything if you don’t have the experience

Don't know if this belongs on here, but I figured I'd share this story about the nail in the coffin for one of my previous jobs. I worked for a company that sold a popular brand of trading cards; people could order products from us, as well as custom built decks and other nerdy merchandise. It was basically a shipping and handling warehouse job. While I was at this job, I experienced a really bad break up which almost led to me getting fired because I wasn't meeting the standards (which, by the way, they didn't offer any help on or ask why I might be struggling; just chastised me). Shortly after this, I learned I had ADHD, started taking medication, and almost immediately turned it around. I became a senior operator on the quality assurance machines, as well as one of the fastest order packers, hand quality assurance people,…

Don't know if this belongs on here, but I figured I'd share this story about the nail in the coffin for one of my previous jobs.

I worked for a company that sold a popular brand of trading cards; people could order products from us, as well as custom built decks and other nerdy merchandise. It was basically a shipping and handling warehouse job. While I was at this job, I experienced a really bad break up which almost led to me getting fired because I wasn't meeting the standards (which, by the way, they didn't offer any help on or ask why I might be struggling; just chastised me). Shortly after this, I learned I had ADHD, started taking medication, and almost immediately turned it around.

I became a senior operator on the quality assurance machines, as well as one of the fastest order packers, hand quality assurance people, and shippers on my team. I also got trained on how to operate the machines that built the decks, so that I could help out in case they were short on people. I was treated often as the “acting” lead when the real leads weren't present, and I was in the top pay grade for my position.

I had tried repeatedly to get an actual shift lead position. The first time I tried, before I was diagnosed, they didn't even give me an interview. The second and third time, I answered some questions poorly. The fourth time, it was a matter of seniority. Every time, I asked the reason behind the choice, I took the advice and criticism to heart, and applied it to my next interview. The fifth go around was fantastic; I asked later if they had any advice, and neither of them had anything to say about it.

Turns out, I didn't get the promotion. A coworker who had been there less time than I had, and was not trained on as many aspects of our shared position as I was (I was set to train him on the QA machines, but after a couple of times doing it, he decline to do it any further). I emailed the person who would be in charge of the final decision why the choice had been made, and the buck got passed to the people who had interviewed me (whom I had already asked). I called them on this, and got ghosted.

I started looking for a new job, now disillusioned with the one I thought I was excelling at. I talked to my coworker friend about it, and they said they had a similar experience with the person who had made the final decision. Both this coworker and I have ADHD, and my friend said that other employees with ADHD had experienced similar disrespect or mistreatment. I brought it up with HR and got some nonsense back that deflected the blame.

Finally I found a job and put in my two weeks notice. I even offered to train new people as replacements so that things wouldn't go haywire after I left. The kicker about that? They wanted me to train the person who had gotten the promotion. That's what completely disillusioned me to American work ethics, and it was about damn time. I declined to train anyone else after that, and finished my two weeks with as minimal effort as possible.

I found out two days before I was set to leave that the “official” reason I was not promoted was because the person who was had more experience as a shift lead than I did. I heard a few weeks ago that the employees were able to unionize. I hope it gets better there.

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