
Should I send this email.

Some background I work IT for a small insurance company. There was three people working the service desk. They fired one because he did not work out. And the two of us made up the slack. I went on vacation and when I got back I got report of my coworker crying because of the work load. He quit two days after I got back. Now I am all alone working 3 jobs. I would not like to leave the money is good and the job is interesting. But upper management needs to understand we need more people. I want to send this email force if then pay for not doing enough to support the service desk. The other reference in the email is CJ. ( names changed) he worked for the company for 35 years. 22 years with out a sick day. The worked on the IBM mainframe. The…

Some background I work IT for a small insurance company. There was three people working the service desk. They fired one because he did not work out. And the two of us made up the slack. I went on vacation and when I got back I got report of my coworker crying because of the work load. He quit two days after I got back. Now I am all alone working 3 jobs. I would not like to leave the money is good and the job is interesting. But upper management needs to understand we need more people. I want to send this email force if then pay for not doing enough to support the service desk.
The other reference in the email is CJ. ( names changed) he worked for the company for 35 years. 22 years with out a sick day. The worked on the IBM mainframe. The day after the equipment was moved out of the building he was told he need to leave the company. All that hard work and they just tossed him out.

Thanks for listening. This is the email:

I am sorry to say that I am not able to do continue to work like this. I know 2 weeks ago you promised to Add a contract tech and the Service desk position to the website. This has not been done.

I am sitting on a very nice Sunday building 7 Machines for the new hires that need to go out this week. This is not what I signed up and this needs to change. If you don’t want to hire two people for this position. Then you will need to cut me a check for (co-worker) Salary for the month.

After what happed to CJ I don’t believe this company has the worker in mind. That is fine it needs to make money but then so do I.

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