
No training, put on a multi million dollar project and was told that my work was making the company look like idiots.

So, I started this remote job the benefits seemed good, it was a small company and I thought the pay was going to be good. (misheard the pay amount they didn't send a contract over stating the pay but good benefits so I stayed). The person who was meant to train me ghosted after 5 days of training. And no one stepped up to help after asking multiple times to shadow someone so that I knew what to do. I was thrown in this project, apparently a multi million dollar project and next to no training. Keep in mind the CEO knows I have never done this work before and they assured me in the interview I'd get ample training. Anytime I asked for help it was a sure! With me following up and it being rescheduled for some other time. Anyway I'm working on the project notice things aren't…

So, I started this remote job the benefits seemed good, it was a small company and I thought the pay was going to be good. (misheard the pay amount they didn't send a contract over stating the pay but good benefits so I stayed).
The person who was meant to train me ghosted after 5 days of training. And no one stepped up to help after asking multiple times to shadow someone so that I knew what to do.
I was thrown in this project, apparently a multi million dollar project and next to no training. Keep in mind the CEO knows I have never done this work before and they assured me in the interview I'd get ample training. Anytime I asked for help it was a sure! With me following up and it being rescheduled for some other time.
Anyway I'm working on the project notice things aren't adding up and the higher ups get involved. they're not happy because things aren't adding up and they are wasting money.
I'm over eating stressing myself out, CEO knows that things aren't adding up and comes out of meeting saying we're looking like idiots. We have a big meeting about the project I'm meant to get help, that doesn't happen.
We have meeting on meetings that this is a problem and this is a multi million dollar project and we are looking like assholes. (CEOs words) they ask what I need I say can I shadow someone so I know what I'm doing. Never fucking happens.
I continue to stress and lose sleep. But I was willing to try and learn this job because I didn't want to quit. The last straw came when I needed a biopsy. They found a lump in my boob, I let the CEO know that I'd need to come in late she agrees and I thought that was that.
The day of.the biopsy I get out and get an annoyed call from CEO asking if I saw the latest email sent to me asking a question. I say no, I was just getting a biopsy. She goes 'you need to tell me these things'
Clearly I'm baffled because we talked about this over the phone and text. I let CEO know and they said next time submit it in writing. That day I decided I'm not lasting the rest of the week.
The next day they say my work is bad and they're concerned. I tell them flat out I didn't get training. The CEO says that we will talk Friday.
I say fuck it, I've gained 20 pounds from stress eating in the few short months I've been there. Write a scathing resignation email hit send and ship my equipment back.
I got a new job in the next week.
No job is worth your health.

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