
What to do when you reach your limit?

It’s been about a year of me struggling to stay at my job despite toxic and abusive behavior. The other week, management was so rude to me I think emotionally I reached my limit. WFH Friday but literally did nothing out of disgust for them. Now it’s Monday and I don’t feel any better. I want to quit, been looking for a job but so far nothing (had interviews but no offers yet). Not stupid enough to quit without something else lined up… but I just feel so repulsed that I’ve allowed myself to be abused this much and have no desire to be around them anymore. My self esteem is suffering, my eyes are twitching all month. What should I do with this feeling and how do I continue working while looking for a job? Remember, this is my limit so I’ve already put up with derogatory and power…

It’s been about a year of me struggling to stay at my job despite toxic and abusive behavior.

The other week, management was so rude to me I think emotionally I reached my limit. WFH Friday but literally did nothing out of disgust for them.

Now it’s Monday and I don’t feel any better. I want to quit, been looking for a job but so far nothing (had interviews but no offers yet). Not stupid enough to quit without something else lined up… but I just feel so repulsed that I’ve allowed myself to be abused this much and have no desire to be around them anymore. My self esteem is suffering, my eyes are twitching all month.

What should I do with this feeling and how do I continue working while looking for a job? Remember, this is my limit so I’ve already put up with derogatory and power tripping behaviors before this. What do you suggest?

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