
My employer is dictating my level of care and its infuriating.

This is more of a vent, but here we go. My wife and I both work for one of the 3 big US based cellphone providers. We both have for almost 9 years and met through the job. About 3-4 years ago we both started developing carpel tunnel(sp?) in both our hands….not to mention we both have tinnitus now too. So we approach our GPs and they recommend occupational therapy and short-term disability so our work does not exacerbate the issue while doing therapy. Makes complete and utter sense to me. The therapy goes great. Fast forward another 4 years the issue starts to flair up again. We start doing the exercises again but it really isn't helping. We approach a specialist this time and mention our previous actions which they agree with, but claim that the company that approves short term is becoming more and more strict with what…

This is more of a vent, but here we go.

My wife and I both work for one of the 3 big US based cellphone providers. We both have for almost 9 years and met through the job. About 3-4 years ago we both started developing carpel tunnel(sp?) in both our hands….not to mention we both have tinnitus now too.

So we approach our GPs and they recommend occupational therapy and short-term disability so our work does not exacerbate the issue while doing therapy. Makes complete and utter sense to me. The therapy goes great.

Fast forward another 4 years the issue starts to flair up again. We start doing the exercises again but it really isn't helping. We approach a specialist this time and mention our previous actions which they agree with, but claim that the company that approves short term is becoming more and more strict with what they approve.

Now this company “sedgwick”, as they are called, works FOR our company. They do not work for me and my wife. We have dealt with this company for my wife who gets chronic migraines which we have yet to fix and for the two times we have both gotten covid.

At the end of the day, their job is to reduce the amount of time employees are out of the office to reduce lost costs and increase efficiencies overall. So now my doctor is scared to provide a tested method of resolution for my medical issues for fear of a company representing my employer?

I have met and talked to so many of my customers whose hands become essentially useless later in life because of this stuff and I do not want to be like that. I think it is outrageous that I have to beg and plead for care for an illness that is a direct result of my work.


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