
Posted this in funny, thought it should go here

I am a new construction house painter and am constantly dealing with picking up after all the other lazy trade employees who leave their trash in my way. No more caulk? Just throw that empty tube on the ground, f**k it painters can pick it up… Door jamb won’t fit? Cut the extra drywall out and just leave it there on the ground…duh…? Front door has broken glass panels from carpenter not installing door stop and door swinging open and smashing into the wall ten times a day? I’m expected to move/clean up all the broken glass, paint the broken door as told and then also the replacement when it shows up 3 weeks later (for free mind you, they only paid me to paint the one that got REPLACED). Drywall mudders got their crap all over the brand new hardwood floor, and it’s all on and in the grooves/wood…

I am a new construction house painter and am constantly dealing with picking up after all the other lazy trade employees who leave their trash in my way.
No more caulk? Just throw that empty tube on the ground, f**k it painters can pick it up…
Door jamb won’t fit? Cut the extra drywall out and just leave it there on the ground…duh…?
Front door has broken glass panels from carpenter not installing door stop and door swinging open and smashing into the wall ten times a day? I’m expected to move/clean up all the broken glass, paint the broken door as told and then also the replacement when it shows up 3 weeks later (for free mind you, they only paid me to paint the one that got REPLACED).

Drywall mudders got their crap all over the brand new hardwood floor, and it’s all on and in the grooves/wood grain and needs to be painstakingly removed and cleaned over hours and hours of time that wasn’t in the bid in order to trick the new homeowners who just bought this house as their first house into thinking;
“okay whatever everything is just fine and fuck it the painter will take care of everything else anyway and then I’ll be happy.”


5 hours later I don’t get any extra money and my builder refuses to acknowledge back charges of any kind…

Have to paint the exterior? Don’t forget to move the 500lbs of framing materials that are left on the ground in my way.

Framers didn’t get all the posts up in time? Damn I guess you have to come in Saturday then…

Like wtf? I end up cleaning up after the other trades before me simply because they know I can’t do my job unless everything is perfect (everything clean and spotless and installed correctly).

I’ve painted the equivalent of entire neighborhoods for free…


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