
Pre-Employment Cost

How do you guys feel about jobs that require you to pay for onboarding and do not directly reimburse you even if you’re hired? Example- I just paid $75 for a background check, $50 for a drug screen, $125 for uniforms, and $15 for a specific certification, and I will not be reimbursed for these costs even though I got the job. What do people do if they do not have the cash upfront and need their first paycheck to pay for this? My guess is that they just don’t get the job, but I’m not sure how that’s legal. It’s definitely not ethical.

How do you guys feel about jobs that require you to pay for onboarding and do not directly reimburse you even if you’re hired? Example- I just paid $75 for a background check, $50 for a drug screen, $125 for uniforms, and $15 for a specific certification, and I will not be reimbursed for these costs even though I got the job.

What do people do if they do not have the cash upfront and need their first paycheck to pay for this? My guess is that they just don’t get the job, but I’m not sure how that’s legal. It’s definitely not ethical.

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