
Annoyed with looking for work

I wanted to share my recent experiences while looking for work. Fair warning this is just me venting my frustrations. A bit of background I worked as an accountant and left a position in June of last year as I had burned out and had started to experience physical and mental side effects. I took a bit of time to myself and started looking for positions. It took a while but I finally got an interview for a firm in November, this was my first interview since leaving my previous position, I went through the interview process and expected to hear back with good news. When I did hear back I was told they where going to pursue other candidates and I emailed and asked what the reason was that they decided to not continue with me as a candidate and was told basically the senior managers didn't like that…

I wanted to share my recent experiences while looking for work. Fair warning this is just me venting my frustrations.

A bit of background I worked as an accountant and left a position in June of last year as I had burned out and had started to experience physical and mental side effects.

I took a bit of time to myself and started looking for positions. It took a while but I finally got an interview for a firm in November, this was my first interview since leaving my previous position, I went through the interview process and expected to hear back with good news.

When I did hear back I was told they where going to pursue other candidates and I emailed and asked what the reason was that they decided to not continue with me as a candidate and was told basically the senior managers didn't like that I had a gap in my resume.

This rubbed me the wrong way as I had applied for many positions for months before this interview with several including this company. I just thought okay well I'm going to keep looking and applying for positions and hopefully I'll find something.

I keep looking and applying for positions I probably have several hundred resumes floating around currently and it took till a few weeks ago before I had gotten another response.

In this instance it was a company reach out to me about an opportunity to apply for and the moment I got the message I jumped on it and sent them everything and got a quick interview. I was told basically that at the time of thr interview they where still taking applications but that at that point I was the primary candidate and that the only reason I wouldn't get the position was if someone with more experience applied.

Fast forward a few days and I got an email that unfortunately another more experienced candidate had applied for what was essentially an entry level position.

This just left me feeling upset as they had come to me I didn't come looking for them they had found me.

I keep looking but at this point most of the positions that are being filled are for for more senior managers and I just don't feel that I am qualified for these positions and that they would even give me a call if I did apply.

I'm just done looking for work at this point and I can't get any other positions because they think I'm about to jump ship if I get something in my field. Which they're probably right.

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