I’m a barista working for an international food service corporation. I’ve worked this job since September 2021 and despite the fact that I’m 25, this January was the first time I’ve ever had a performance review. I apparently did mostly good, but received a “needs improvement”-esque score for a section about keeping a cool head when learning new tasks. This was referencing a time in October when I was unmedicated for my severe anxiety and acute depression on top of my usual chronic depression and spent everyday on the verge of tears trying to convince myself not to step in front of a bus. Admittedly, I had crying fits at work. So whatever a person’s opinion on professionalism would be, that might be considered inappropriate on my part, irresponsible, etc. I didn’t argue with my manager about the score because if I’m being scored on that, I can’t contest that my mental health was bad. But being docked points on a performance review for bad mental health seems, help me out- sociopathic? Dystopic? Of course, when it comes to policy, it feels like the company can’t be questioned, it can only be low-level employees that would be wrong. Would love some validation on this.
EDIT: I know my manager on a personal level, we have gone out drinking and regularly have personal talks with each other, so she was completely aware of my mental health situation