
I was promised to much and I feel betrayed.

Just to start this I don’t want pity and this might be a long story. I’m basically just looking to rant.. sorry So just over a month ago I was feeling pretty under appreciated at my old job and started looking for a new one. My gf and I were looking for a car for her as she’s moving to the United States for school and we live in Canada. (I’m a mechanic) anyways we go to this one dealer, we talk a bit and they find out what I do, drop everything and offer me a job. They tell me they’re going to match what I’m making at my current job and on top of that offer me bonuses. All that to me sounded fantastic. I immediately feel wanted again and think to myself I could use a change.. change is good right? Or so I thought. I leave…

Just to start this I don’t want pity and this might be a long story. I’m basically just looking to rant.. sorry

So just over a month ago I was feeling pretty under appreciated at my old job and started looking for a new one. My gf and I were looking for a car for her as she’s moving to the United States for school and we live in Canada. (I’m a mechanic) anyways we go to this one dealer, we talk a bit and they find out what I do, drop everything and offer me a job. They tell me they’re going to match what I’m making at my current job and on top of that offer me bonuses.

All that to me sounded fantastic. I immediately feel wanted again and think to myself I could use a change.. change is good right? Or so I thought. I leave my old job almost without any notice (pretty common thing to do in my trade) and move over to this new place. Day one things already are terrible.

(Now I’m going to say some things that might not make any sense to a lot of people that don’t know how my pay work but if something confuses you look up “flat rate” as a pay scale.)

So, day one I was never told what time I had to be in on my first day which I thought was weird. After I started I needed sign in to be able to access work and no one gave me that which is something important because I need to be able to sign in, in order to get paid for the things I’m doing. If there’s mo evidence of me working on something I don’t get paid and I did whatever for free.

On introductions everyone there was nice. Like all the other mechanics were awesome. One pulled me aside and basically said “run”. Which. Obviously isn’t a great sign. The guy that told me that and one other guy were quitting. Also not a good sign.

They told me of all the bullshit that was going on like how no one gets paid properly they have to work 12 hours a day to maybe make 8 hours and how they always get belittled and yelled at by upper management.

Which to me as a new person that just left a very comfortable job was pretty panicked about. BUT I kept my head down and worked. I worked hard. I thought maybe they just don’t no how to work fast and efficient.

Holy hell was I wrong.

I’ve been there a month now. I got my first pay check and I made 3000 dollers less than I normally do. That’s huge and on top of that two other guys are quitting. I STILL haven’t been sized for work clothes. Still don’t have all my proper sign ins and feel more under appreciated and more discouraged about my career than I did before.

Is it so hard to ask to be paid for the time I put in instead of working for free, I worked 180+ hours last month and got paid for 100. Man do I hate this career.

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