
my job is putting a bunch of sales reps on performance plans

Major 500 company A bunch of us yesterday got put on sales performance plans due to not meeting sales goals Only 18 out of 95 reps made goal ans 8 of the 18 are senior leads who are afforded better leads and opportunities to make additional sales In order to not be on a plan we have to have a rolling 90 day average of at least 70% and you can't just get to 70% one month and get off you have to average 70% so some ppl are expected to get over 100% to get that average at 70% From my lack of understanding if you do not get off the plan with 3 months you are fired. I could get if a few ppl did not make it but a shocking low amount of ppl are making it. Also while on the plan you get less warm leads…

Major 500 company

A bunch of us yesterday got put on sales performance plans due to not meeting sales goals

Only 18 out of 95 reps made goal ans 8 of the 18 are senior leads who are afforded better leads and opportunities to make additional sales

In order to not be on a plan we have to have a rolling 90 day average of at least 70% and you can't just get to 70% one month and get off you have to average 70% so some ppl are expected to get over 100% to get that average at 70%

From my lack of understanding if you do not get off the plan with 3 months you are fired. I could get if a few ppl did not make it but a shocking low amount of ppl are making it.

Also while on the plan you get less warm leads to dig you out. Also if prior months orders are canceled due to techs not coming out or something of that sort you are expected to make it up.

I've been here about 7 or 8 months the first 6 months you are put on what's called RAMP which let's you build up sales and have a lower quota for those 6 months

When hired I was told it takes a year to learn the job and as soon as I'm off the RAMP I get hit with a action plan and threated to be fired. This place sucks.

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