I first applied a month ago. They hired me immediately. Said I had to fill out a background check form, cool. I did that. Got a call back 3 or so days later saying the form checks reset every 48 hours and that I’d have to do it again. Was slightly miffed, but did it. Now I’ve waited nearly a month. Was told one day a week after submitting the second time that the check was still processing and that there was nothing for me to do until it was finished. Now today, a month later, I’m being fed the same bullshit about the forms resetting every 48 hours and they “must not have received it.” I have SCREENSHOTS proving I filled it out on the fucking seventh. They wasted a goddamn near MONTH of my time I could’ve been working, didn’t tell me shit. Someone advised me to “just keep my email open and keep filling it out every 2 days.” I don’t fucking have TIME for that. I have an event in a month and a half that people are depending on me for that’s going to cost money. They should compensate me for my wasted time.