
Why are people so eager to share random information with their bosses?

So I see a lot of posts about people who share so much information about their personal lives with their bosses. People post screen shots of their conversations with their bosses and they'll be chatting it up like they're friends telling them their whole life story. My question is why? Are you guys trying to be friends with them or do you think sharing all this personal info will help make work better for you? I personally don't think your relationship with your boss should go any further than work related matters. When you call out you don't have to tell them why you just tell them you're not coming in. If they ask about your home life keep it as vague as possible. They don't need to know and they probably don't give a dam. The more information you share with them the easier it is for them to…

So I see a lot of posts about people who share so much information about their personal lives with their bosses. People post screen shots of their conversations with their bosses and they'll be chatting it up like they're friends telling them their whole life story. My question is why? Are you guys trying to be friends with them or do you think sharing all this personal info will help make work better for you?

I personally don't think your relationship with your boss should go any further than work related matters. When you call out you don't have to tell them why you just tell them you're not coming in. If they ask about your home life keep it as vague as possible. They don't need to know and they probably don't give a dam. The more information you share with them the easier it is for them to take advantage of you when you're at your most vulnerable. If you don't like it when businesses use the term “we're all family here” then stop acting like your boss is part of your family.

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