
Last Night a Fellow FedEx Driver From My Terminal Died

Name removed to protect identity. The terminal set up a table with his picture, flowers, a drop box for monetary donations to the family and a drop box for heartfelt notes to the family. I sat down to write a note but found myself writing something that would be inappropriate for the family to read in their time of grieving. I'll include what I wrote a little further down. The response by management was to ask us drivers for emergency contacts. Why they didn't ask for emergency contacts when were first hired on I don't know, but to me this is just reactionary garbage which I have come to expect from corporate and management. If I explain further I'll just be repeating myself, so here's what I wrote: “[The Deceased] was just another cog for the FedEx machine. He will be replaced with another soon. FedEx Ground doesn't care about…

Name removed to protect identity.

The terminal set up a table with his picture, flowers, a drop box for monetary donations to the family and a drop box for heartfelt notes to the family. I sat down to write a note but found myself writing something that would be inappropriate for the family to read in their time of grieving. I'll include what I wrote a little further down.

The response by management was to ask us drivers for emergency contacts. Why they didn't ask for emergency contacts when were first hired on I don't know, but to me this is just reactionary garbage which I have come to expect from corporate and management. If I explain further I'll just be repeating myself, so here's what I wrote:

“[The Deceased] was just another cog for the FedEx machine. He will be replaced with another soon. FedEx Ground doesn't care about his life or the lives of any other of its employees. As long as Susan gets her Chewie box of dog food or her Hello Fresh box on time, FedEx doesn't care. This place is a reactionary circus full of clowns. The only time FedEx looks to make 'positive' change is when tragedy strikes. After the mass shooting in Indianapolis, FedEx required all employees to wear a badge. Never mind that there's no security and the key-card door was left unlocked for kept wide open for months after the shooting, at least we'll be able to ID the shooter! Someone dies on the job? OK, lets get everyone's emergency contacts. Nevermind that every other place of employment I've worked at asked for emergency contacts on arrival and FedEx was negligent to wait until a death to ask for it. Reactionary and pointless theater, much like the rest of the modern world we live in.”

I took the note with me.

I find this to be an example of the types of risk that working class jobs assume. Not to mention the reason Tyler was even out so late was probably because his contractor was playing the game they all have to play where they use the least amount of workers to fulfill the most amount of work possible. Working us into the ground so they make an extra buck, meanwhile we don't see an extra dime.

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