
Lasted 9 months at a job

I left the best job I had ever had in October 2021. While I loved working there, the insurance was very subpar and I wasn’t being paid enough to really pay the bills anymore. However, I really loved my boss and my coworkers. The job I started in October 2021, which was a lateral move seemed promising during interviews. However, from the moment I got there, there were red flags all around. From having a boss who missed- at minimum, 1 to 2 days of work every week because her daughter was sick, her husband was sick, her nephew was sick, her car wouldn’t start, *insert family emergency here. My training was non-existent. I was working remotely thanks to covid and had no idea what her expectations were. Eventually we learned that she was pregnant and she became even more scarce. Now she’s missing 3-4 times a week. Before she…

I left the best job I had ever had in October 2021. While I loved working there, the insurance was very subpar and I wasn’t being paid enough to really pay the bills anymore. However, I really loved my boss and my coworkers. The job I started in October 2021, which was a lateral move seemed promising during interviews.

However, from the moment I got there, there were red flags all around. From having a boss who missed- at minimum, 1 to 2 days of work every week because her daughter was sick, her husband was sick, her nephew was sick, her car wouldn’t start, *insert family emergency here.

My training was non-existent. I was working remotely thanks to covid and had no idea what her expectations were.

Eventually we learned that she was pregnant and she became even more scarce. Now she’s missing 3-4 times a week. Before she went on leave, I had to write my own performance review. I gave myself an honest assessment that I was a team player and that the shift in companies has had its challenges but I felt that i was catching on and long term, I’ll be good to go.

She decided to blindside me with a ton of negative remarks on my review. She’s had 9 months to tell me any issues she had with me. Nope. She waited until review season. She started criticizing me for petty crap. Like my grammar (I was typing out numbers rather than spelling them) for internal emails that were of zero importance, my supposed lack of excel skills (which I have always been pretty good at excel), accused me of still needing to learn how to do the core of my job. Mind you, I had 5 years of prior experience.

On several occasions she scolded me for being late on assignments that I proved to her that I wasn’t late (she doesn’t know to how use a calendar apparently.)

She then went on leave, gave everyone in the department EXCEPT ME a raise and a bonus, including people newer than me, and didn’t tell me, just waited for me to find out from a co worker who had no business having that conversation with me.

So I started interviewing, landed my dream job, and quit without notice.

So she can come back to a short staffed and probably pissed off department.

Also she had me convinced that I was in the wrong field and that I’m too stupid to have a good job.

My new job is proving her wrong, and is proving to me to be a million times better and my confidence in myself is being restored.

Bye Felicia.

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