
Today my boss used a racial slur in front of the whole office

So today the ceo of our company used a racial slur loudly in front of the office. They were up the other end of the office. We work in an open plan office. I looked up in disgust (although the CEO was round the corner) and one of my colleagues was laughing. I can't help but feel the place is toxic. It's not the first time I've heard racism in there. Frequently people come out with very sexist jokes also and are generally derogatory towards women. Problem is if you go to HR and whistle blow, I don't see any positive outcome out of it. Probably that would just make you a target of management as HR ultimately work for them.

So today the ceo of our company used a racial slur loudly in front of the office. They were up the other end of the office. We work in an open plan office. I looked up in disgust (although the CEO was round the corner) and one of my colleagues was laughing. I can't help but feel the place is toxic. It's not the first time I've heard racism in there. Frequently people come out with very sexist jokes also and are generally derogatory towards women. Problem is if you go to HR and whistle blow, I don't see any positive outcome out of it. Probably that would just make you a target of management as HR ultimately work for them.

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