
Failed Polygraph

Wow I've never felt so upset about an interview process. Two days ago I had to take a polygraph exam so that I could get an IT position working at a jailing facility. The polygraph examiner had to strap my left arm so that he could get a constant heart rate level but the issue is he strapped it way to tight. It was too the point where my left hand was turning purple throughout the testing process and I couldn't focus on anything else besides the constant pain that was being inflicted on me. He kept telling me to stop fidgeting and to take deep breathes but how can I at that point. Anyways long story short he told me that I lied in multiple occasions (Which I didn't) and that I failed the poly. I finally just got in contact with the director of the jailing facility and…

Wow I've never felt so upset about an interview process. Two days ago I had to take a polygraph exam so that I could get an IT position working at a jailing facility. The polygraph examiner had to strap my left arm so that he could get a constant heart rate level but the issue is he strapped it way to tight. It was too the point where my left hand was turning purple throughout the testing process and I couldn't focus on anything else besides the constant pain that was being inflicted on me. He kept telling me to stop fidgeting and to take deep breathes but how can I at that point. Anyways long story short he told me that I lied in multiple occasions (Which I didn't) and that I failed the poly. I finally just got in contact with the director of the jailing facility and told her about the situation and she just told me that I wasn't a good fit because I lied too much and my maturity level was too low. I told her that one of the categories that the poly examiner failed me on was usage of illicit substances. I said that we can easily disprove that if I were to take a blood works, urine test, and hair strand examination but she did not want to hear any of it. She hung up on me and told me that maybe law enforcement work isn't meant for me.

Apologies for my poor writing. I'm just so upset at this point and I was typing as I was thinking.

TLDR: Failed poly due to constant pain on left arm

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