I work as a weekend receptionist at a gym (the boss owns the hotel branch and his son runs the gym). I really do like the job and my coworkers are amazing and super nice. Plus the time works for my student schedule but sometimes it really annoys me how entitled people are.
A woman calls in to ask if a free family guest pass was left at the desk for her as the wife requested for one from my manager. I tried to locate it where it should have been left but couldn't find it. I told her i will have it found for when she comes in or she can show proof through a text/email/call and it would be no problem. She got super mad at me and hung up. i then get a call shortly afterwards from the boss's wife who starts shouting at me, she also: asks for my name and upon hearing how it's foreign makes a snide comment, brags about her status and expects me to magically know it was her calling (on a landline where no numbers are saved by name and she isn't even involved in the gym), why my manager isn't in (cause it's the weekend and you already overwork her) and also starts bossing me around (she isn't even my boss and I'm already trying to locate the pass) and tells me i lied to the woman (I didn't?? I just couldn't find it??). They come in an hour later, and are super polite to my face. And everything went okay, i found the pass in an envelope tucked away with 60 other envelopes under the desk. But i just got so annoyed how she let herself act like that.
It also isn't the first time I got shouted at due to the entitled family who runs the hotel and gym. The gym boss sometimes refers his friends onto us for a reduced rate and always leaves a note or email confirming the name, price and when they should be in. However people get so annoyed when I have to ask if they have confirmation if nothing was left. They also get annoyed if the reduced rate isn't low enough…which isn't my problem like.
On top of that, the past few weekends have been crazy busy with hotel guests. And teenagers keep coming down to use the gym, which they aren't allowed to unless they are 18 for insurance reasons. They get mad and go upstairs to literally complain to their fathers who then come down and yell at me.
There was one point where I had to send an sos text to the personal trainer on duty as I literally was starting to panic and feel unsafe by this large man who was yelling at me across the desk and trying to get into my face. Like this shouldn't be normal? It's a high class gym (the most expensive in the area and it makes people feel so entitled to demand stuff). I get paid min wage and really don't get paid enough to deal with this kind of crap
Sorry for ranting, it's just been a long day and really exhausted me