
Potential Employer wants to record and save our virtual interview

I have a virtual interview with a tech company next week that recruited me to start a new department for them. However, I got an email from them asking for my permission to record the interview to using a 3rd party software to “streamline the note taking process.” I looked the third party up, and it apparently records the video and audio, allows the interviewers to click options of “action item, bookmark, pain points, insight, positive, situation, etc” during the interview, and send the recorded video and text to whomever they wanted via email, slack, Asana, CRMs or whatever they want. Is this normal? Do most people give consent to this? I don’t feel comfortable having my face and voice recorded and stored anywhere, whether it’s at the company recruiting me or the software used to do it. I feel like it’s an invasion of privacy, and don’t like the…

I have a virtual interview with a tech company next week that recruited me to start a new department for them. However, I got an email from them asking for my permission to record the interview to using a 3rd party software to “streamline the note taking process.” I looked the third party up, and it apparently records the video and audio, allows the interviewers to click options of “action item, bookmark, pain points, insight, positive, situation, etc” during the interview, and send the recorded video and text to whomever they wanted via email, slack, Asana, CRMs or whatever they want.

Is this normal? Do most people give consent to this? I don’t feel comfortable having my face and voice recorded and stored anywhere, whether it’s at the company recruiting me or the software used to do it. I feel like it’s an invasion of privacy, and don’t like the thought of people watching me doing the interview when I’m not even there. And I’m sure they’ll ask me some personal questions since it’s the first interview. I never once have heard of a virtual interview, especially the first round, being recorded.

I understand the platform was built to make note-taking easier in meetings, but interviews?

And no this is not a big tech company I’m interviewing with nor are the ones I’ve worked for in the past. Would you consent? It’s not like I’ve been out of the game for years, I just got the position I’m currently at like 4 months ago and intervieed virtually with several companies before I landed this one, and not one recorded the call. Anyone have experience or advice? I’ve also conducted many virtual interviews for my past companies and never did this either.

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