
Everything people complain about in this sub regarding their employers the military will do a hundredfold, and with no consequences. As a civilian you can quit your job. As a service member you can get arrested for not showing up to work and disciplined for telling off your boss.

There is bureaucracy, overworking(and not even the productive kind just working to work and justify a paycheck), low pay, demeaning leadership, the list goes on. If you don’t like your current work conditions for these reasons, you will probably be even less happy if you join up. Stop considering it as an alternative. Edit: typo

There is bureaucracy, overworking(and not even the productive kind just working to work and justify a paycheck), low pay, demeaning leadership, the list goes on. If you don’t like your current work conditions for these reasons, you will probably be even less happy if you join up. Stop considering it as an alternative.

Edit: typo

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