
Burst into tears at work

Throwaway because people know my main. So, yesterday, where I live, we had horrible weather. I am talking beyond snow, it was ridiculous. I woke up and contemplated not going to work. I ended up going to work anyway (I am an imbecile I know) because they had no one to replace me at work. I was at the bus stop, freezing for forty minutes, and I ended up ubering to work (cost me 20 dollars). It is policy that we are supposed to text or call if we are missing work or absent. My phone died at the bus stop, (It is an old phone, and I cannot afford to buy a new one at this point). My phone came back long enough for me to be able to text the boss, and I told him: “I am sorry I could not text, my phone died at the bus…

Throwaway because people know my main.

So, yesterday, where I live, we had horrible weather. I am talking beyond snow, it was ridiculous.

I woke up and contemplated not going to work.

I ended up going to work anyway (I am an imbecile I know) because they had no one to replace me at work.

I was at the bus stop, freezing for forty minutes, and I ended up ubering to work (cost me 20 dollars).

It is policy that we are supposed to text or call if we are missing work or absent. My phone died at the bus stop, (It is an old phone, and I cannot afford to buy a new one at this point).

My phone came back long enough for me to be able to text the boss, and I told him: “I am sorry I could not text, my phone died at the bus stop 🙁 I was there for forty minutes.”

The receptionist had sold me out, and when I walked in at 840 for an 830 shift, she handed me some paperwork. I told her that I needed to use the bathroom.

I worked for about an hour, the boss came in and told me that I needed to text or call if I was going to be late or absent. I informed that I was standing at the bus stop for forty minutes and my phone died. He did not back down. I said the same thing again, my voice breaking a little.

I was so upset that I threatened to just leave work for the day and go home and the boss seemed confused “What do you mean, leave?” There was contempt in his voice.

The client was standing right there so he backed off, and I ended up helping the client. He was an elderly gentleman who told me that my boss had no empathy. I ended up crying in front of him.

The boss came back again, and started hammering me about why I was wrong. I told him he had no empathy. That he had no idea what taking a bus is like. He kept arguing with me. He accused me of snapping at him. I burst into tears. I had a migraine and I still came into work in this psychotic weather because there was no one to cover for me (I am an imbecile, we have established that). He brought up my past mistakes from years and years ago.

I kept arguing back (usually I back down but I wasn't looking for this yesterday and I just lost it). I said that I have not been liked here. I am not treated fairly. The boss kept arguing that I was wrong. He said that at times they have trouble reaching me (I have started setting firm boundaries and do not try to take more shifts because I am in school trying to better myself and get out of this horrible situation, recently I have tried to help and covered my coworker's vacation for a week, again, I know I was wrong).

The boss then tried to backtrack a little (feeling fear because he was alone and without witnesses, also, the coworker I am covering for is the manager, so he wasn't there to cover for this person's ignorant behaviour like he usually does), and said that if my life is so bad I can talk to someone and just vent. And that he, the manager and I will be sitting down and talking next week. I said I do not want to go into the manager's office because I am scolded there because I am not liked here. He said that “We gave you a raise.” Just to be clear, it is a three dollar raise in nine years.

He said that he wants me to be happy. I said that I am not happy.

He left, and I called my father at work and cried hysterically. He was taken aback, and so was my sister at home. I cried and cried. They asked if I should just come home. I didn't have the balls to do that, and stayed for the day. The afternoon was insanely busy, and had I called in sick, that business would have been lost.

At lunch, I sat beside my desk, staring into space. I came home and just cried for hours. Just to clarify, this is a pattern of behaviour, and I am stuck here for at least another year until I finish college.

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