
Helped a friend of a friend with his business and saw a new side to this guy.

Long story short i was flown to Portland for what was advertised as a work and have fun type adventure where we canvassed for political candidates. My buddy told me it was horrible but i went anyway, figured i could handle it. Then the owner, my friends friend, began to change and say cutting things to me for no reason. Finally, i said i had seen a different side of him and i did not enjoy it, which caused him to flip out, call me and fire me and fly me home which totally fucked his own company up. I thought i was doing him a favor! I guess the lesson is dont help your friends out but thats not how i want to live. Just be clear and strong with your boundaries?

Long story short i was flown to Portland for what was advertised as a work and have fun type adventure where we canvassed for political candidates. My buddy told me it was horrible but i went anyway, figured i could handle it. Then the owner, my friends friend, began to change and say cutting things to me for no reason. Finally, i said i had seen a different side of him and i did not enjoy it, which caused him to flip out, call me and fire me and fly me home which totally fucked his own company up.

I thought i was doing him a favor! I guess the lesson is dont help your friends out but thats not how i want to live. Just be clear and strong with your boundaries?

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