
It seems that I did them more than damage than they thought

I've left this job just over a month ago, even though I ddidn't have anything else lined up, I'm still unemployed, but that's because I won't apply to any other shitty jobs again, unless absolutely necessary. Anyway, worked for a past 2-3 years as an maintenence technician/electrician in a manufacturing plant. Working all kind of shifts, morning, afternoon, night, overtime. Pay wasn't great for this kind of work either and my boss was one of the most narcissistic egoist persons I ever met. Constantly talking bad about everyone, even people he drinks coffee every day and hangs out off work. He would do anything to get himself on top, and he enjoyed being needed when there were problems. For the last year of so, I was the guy that replaced my coworkers when they took the sick or days off. That means working even stranger shifts and never knowing when…

I've left this job just over a month ago, even though I ddidn't have anything else lined up, I'm still unemployed, but that's because I won't apply to any other shitty jobs again, unless absolutely necessary.

Anyway, worked for a past 2-3 years as an maintenence technician/electrician in a manufacturing plant. Working all kind of shifts, morning, afternoon, night, overtime.

Pay wasn't great for this kind of work either and my boss was one of the most narcissistic egoist persons I ever met. Constantly talking bad about everyone, even people he drinks coffee every day and hangs out off work. He would do anything to get himself on top, and he enjoyed being needed when there were problems.

For the last year of so, I was the guy that replaced my coworkers when they took the sick or days off. That means working even stranger shifts and never knowing when will I work in 2 days. Others had way more experience than I did, but I easily covered the shifts as same as they did. They were faster and skillful than me, but that showed for maybe 5 days a year. Thing is, they had 2 positions higher salary than I did. They would earn like 60-80% more than I did.

Few times, I asked my boss for raise, even other people I worked with asked for me, since even they knew I'm underpayed. But my boss rejected, stating that when he stsrted working, it took him years before raise. Worst thing is, it doesn't cost him anything. Only thing he had to do was to suggest that I get a raise and the CEO would approve it 99%. But no.

It was more and more stressfull and I decided, fck it and I told my boss that I quit. Then he started: “But why, you wouldn't find a better job, will you stay if I match your salary with your coworkers, who will cover the shifts now etc.”
Nothing would change my mind so I went with my two weeks notice.

And now, it seems that they are fcked. I left, one guy is on sick leave and it will be a long time, another guy is going to retire in a month. So right now, they don't have anyone to cover the shifts and to replace someone if they go on vacation or something.

Not to mention that it's valuable company that has to have maintenance technician covering all the shifts. Even 10 minutes of production stop is very costly and you have to write report. I think that one hour production stops cost more than my annual salary.

Job ad is online for the last 2 months. One guy showed, worked for two days and quit. So they can't find even one person, not to mention three.

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