
PTO means “Prepare The Others” because I WON’T BE IN!

I came in to my job today to read the most ridiculous email of my entire career concerning PTO requests. My line of work has a high turnover, and we just lost a grave shift employee. I am on swing shift and I feel we already work with a skeleton crew of two or three people max, but my supervisor has said we were fully staffed! We also have 7 locations and 2 regional employees to cover locations who are lacking coverage. With the recent loss of one employee, they act as if that has debilitated our entire crew for coverage.(It takes months for them to interview and select the best person for the job) Below is the email from my supervisor: “Unfortunately, we are not the only department with openings in the roster. Therefore, Regional coverage will not be available for PTO requests coverage for the time being. Please…

I came in to my job today to read the most ridiculous email of my entire career concerning PTO requests.

My line of work has a high turnover, and we just lost a grave shift employee. I am on swing shift and I feel we already work with a skeleton crew of two or three people max, but my supervisor has said we were fully staffed! We also have 7 locations and 2 regional employees to cover locations who are lacking coverage. With the recent loss of one employee, they act as if that has debilitated our entire crew for coverage.(It takes months for them to interview and select the best person for the job) Below is the email from my supervisor:

“Unfortunately, we are not the only department with openings in the roster. Therefore, Regional coverage will not be available for PTO requests coverage for the time being. Please be aware that I may not be able to approve all requests submitted until we get fully staffed again. I will do my best to find coverage within our department, and you may be asked to be flexible in your days off to allow your coworkers to their requested days off. I will fill in as I can, and I appreciate anyone else that does the same. As soon as I get word, I will start the process of hiring a new employee.”

First of all, excuse me??!?? If we have 7 locations, maybe we need more than 2 regional employees for coverage!! I am at the largest location and our crew is only 11 people. This job isn't going to make me feel like I am a slave to their needs to where I have to put my personal life on hold. I could be replaced tomorrow, this job doesn't give a rats ass about their people. How I wanted to respond to this bullshit email was – tough shit, that sounds like a YOU problem, not mine. Rant over.

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