
Turning in my notice tomorrow!

Long post here. I'm turning in a two week notice tomorrow. Backstory, I work in the embroidery department of a design company. My department manager quit at the end of January. I was promoted to her position, with a miniscule pay bump. mid-February, my company's co-owners brought in a “long-time friend” to work in our department. Buuut they told everyone but our department, thanks workplace gossip, that they brought her in to take over my old manager's position… This is a completely different field, very hands on, of which she has absolutely zero experience (she's coming from a national chain deli to an embroidery department). From the ground up, as I used to train new employees, it takes about two weeks just to be able to work independently, let alone understand the details, and none of the computer work, production scheduling, artwork, what is and isn't possible, digitizing, etc. She's…

Long post here. I'm turning in a two week notice tomorrow.

Backstory, I work in the embroidery department of a design company. My department manager quit at the end of January. I was promoted to her position, with a miniscule pay bump. mid-February, my company's co-owners brought in a “long-time friend” to work in our department. Buuut they told everyone but our department, thanks workplace gossip, that they brought her in to take over my old manager's position… This is a completely different field, very hands on, of which she has absolutely zero experience (she's coming from a national chain deli to an embroidery department). From the ground up, as I used to train new employees, it takes about two weeks just to be able to work independently, let alone understand the details, and none of the computer work, production scheduling, artwork, what is and isn't possible, digitizing, etc. She's extremely disrespectful, walks away when you're answering a question she had, watches TV on her phone while learning, already caused $5k of damage on a $150k machine and vapes IN THE FREAKING DEPARTMENT. Then, Friday, she let slip how much she's making. Significantly more than I am, with 8 years of experience and 7 years of doing my manager's job every time she was out of town. Tooting my own horn here, but I'm the very last employee at this company that even knows how to do the basics of the manager's position from receiving an image to all the steps required to run it on a machine. But I'm done. I've decided even if they ask me to train her during my last two weeks, I'm not doing it. F it. I have enough in savings to cover me for over 8 months of basic necessities plus extras that come up.

Now the question. How have you handled quitting? In almost 20 years of working, I've never walked out, and only quit with a notice when I had another position lined up. I do have a side hustle, that I'd like to expand and work for my own bottom line, not someone else's. Advice welcome!

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