
Workers Guilt

I had to call in to work today. I felt insanely guilty and even more when I got the mass text requesting for someone to work my shift for an additional $100 bonus pay for being last minute. Then I realized why do I even feel this guilt when I had a legitimate reason for calling in and my employer has plenty of money to pay for this extra money? Now one of my fellow coworkers looking for shifts (as I know at my job many are not getting enough hours) will make an extra $100 for working today. Edit: also wanted to add I have never called in once in 6 months of working here and have come in to work last minute multiple times

I had to call in to work today. I felt insanely guilty and even more when I got the mass text requesting for someone to work my shift for an additional $100 bonus pay for being last minute. Then I realized why do I even feel this guilt when I had a legitimate reason for calling in and my employer has plenty of money to pay for this extra money? Now one of my fellow coworkers looking for shifts (as I know at my job many are not getting enough hours) will make an extra $100 for working today.

Edit: also wanted to add I have never called in once in 6 months of working here and have come in to work last minute multiple times

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