
Accusatory bosses?

At my very first job out of trade school I started worked at a freshly opened up spot opened by a fellow trade school graduate and her husband, that had almost no business due to them not feeling the need to spend money to advertise before they opened. It’s was a very boring job where I basically got paid $600/week to sit on my ass trying to look busy in an empty space, or clean up after their daughters who they let come and run amuck in the evening. HOWEVER they were always accusing me of things, accused me of trying to steal one of the few clients they had bc I wrote my name and number on a piece of paper to give to a coworker who then threw it away (to which they dug it out of the trash to accuse me with) accused me of not staying…

At my very first job out of trade school I started worked at a freshly opened up spot opened by a fellow trade school graduate and her husband, that had almost no business due to them not feeling the need to spend money to advertise before they opened.
It’s was a very boring job where I basically got paid $600/week to sit on my ass trying to look busy in an empty space, or clean up after their daughters who they let come and run amuck in the evening.
HOWEVER they were always accusing me of things, accused me of trying to steal one of the few clients they had bc I wrote my name and number on a piece of paper to give to a coworker who then threw it away (to which they dug it out of the trash to accuse me with)

accused me of not staying in the lobby and that customers called them saying they called/came in and there was no one there (I literally never left the main lobby area except to go pee and only for literally 1-2 minutes, there all alone.

And to top it all off when I decided to quit to take another job, the husband called me and made me come TO THEIR HOME to get my last paycheck. His two little daughters were there and my family knew where I was going so I wasn’t too scared. Looking back though I wanna slap myself for now being firm and having him mail it or at least bring it to the business 🤦‍️
Whilst I was there he tried to pressure me into staying , sat me down on the couch and asked why I was leaving and said their store was up and coming and I had good connections/friendships there and that leaving would be a big career mistake (like they were my friends or whatever ) I laughed and told him I wasn’t interested anymore and just wanted my check.

They closed down soon after when pandemic hit.

What are you guys’ crazy accusatory boss stories?

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