I’ve been at my current job for 2.5 years. In July of 2021 I applied for a job internally and was told I didn’t have enough experience in my department and they went with a candidate who had been there less than I had. In august, I applied for another job and was told the same thing and was passed over for someone who had been there less time again.
I’ve applied for multiple jobs within my company and I’m being told I’m interviewing fine, my resume is good, I have good experience, but it all is never enough.
I hate what I do and I’m ready to quit. I met with my boss and she agreed that something doesn’t seem right for why I’m not getting positions. I met with my bosses boss and she said it sounds like I’m applying for too many jobs.
She said I should be applying to 1-2 jobs max and thinks it’s a red flag I’ve applied for 8 positions and haven’t received one. She put the blame on me for applying for too many jobs instead of questioning why people with less experience are getting jobs.
Two of my coworkers just left because they dealt with the same thing, no room to advance. One of my coworkers is leaving this week because our workload is too much. New hires are leaving because our work is intense and we have so much to do with no time to do it.
I guess it is a sign I need to start looking elsewhere.