Backstory: My girlfriend works in nursing home and they had a lot of covid cases. We decided to reduce the chance of spreading it so we take a rapid test every day before we go to work.
So here is the rant:
In Germany people have this stupied idea to go to work sick cause the are important and as a trainee in craftsman jobs there is this bullshittery that you get picked on. I'm 27 (most trainees are 16-18 years old) so I don't get bothered by this on most days. I can stand my ground. But last week on Monday I tested positive for covid (thankfully it was a false positive) but i had to wait 2 days for my test results so I called in sick. On Wednesday I was in school and we didn't make a break till 12am so I couldn't call in the morning to tell them I would come in Friday (Thursday was also a schoolday).
It really pissed me off that 1 of my 2 instructors gave me shit on the phone for not calling in the morning cause I could have infected someone (its a difference of 4 hours and he Is the one who didn't even get his vaccine or wears a mask) Friday he gave me the same speech instead of being thankful that I tried to do the smart thing. And the tip of the iceberg is that both instructors made fun of me like “let's take a test so we also have 2 days of vacation” and crap like “can he write covid in his hour book cause it's happens so often” (this I don't get cause it was the first time sooooo)
I know its not baaad baaad but it really gets me that they often treat me like a child just because I know how to subordinate myself but it's worse to treat my like a liar even I not even once lied to them or tried to hide a mistake I made.
I'm thinking to talk to my boss cause it's getting worse and worse and i'm close to quitting but I don't think it's worth to idiots to make my life harder.
I just needed to rant a bit and maybe get advice or comment about this.