
job hunting fucking sucks

This is the most demoralising thing I have ever had to do, I have a degree in cyber security and I can program in three different languages, I know how to write a database and a website, and I'm familiar with both Linux and windows. I have genuinely lost count of the number of applications I have sent out, it feels like each one is just chipping away at me but if I don't do it enough I loose universal credit literally my only revenue stream (£257 a month btw) it all fucking sucks.

This is the most demoralising thing I have ever had to do, I have a degree in cyber security and I can program in three different languages, I know how to write a database and a website, and I'm familiar with both Linux and windows. I have genuinely lost count of the number of applications I have sent out, it feels like each one is just chipping away at me but if I don't do it enough I loose universal credit literally my only revenue stream (£257 a month btw) it all fucking sucks.

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