
I Turned in my 2-Weeks Notice Last Friday

I finally had enough of the toxic working environment I have been in for three years. I turned in my 2-weeks notice last Friday and can't wait to have this place behind me. The only reason I didn't quit without notice was because I didn't want to leave any of the (few) decent co-workers I've had here in a bad place due to my departure. I have a wife and daughter, so do they. While my company might not give a shit about those factors, I do. After all of: the bullshit, all of the crappy assignments that were given zero support from management and were doomed to fail from the start, the malicious punishments, the improper disciplinary channels, the random calls at 0300 in the morning, the additionally assignments without additional pay, the month long “Employee Concerns Program” suspension because I was acting “aberrantly” (I had just had my…

I finally had enough of the toxic working environment I have been in for three years. I turned in my 2-weeks notice last Friday and can't wait to have this place behind me.

The only reason I didn't quit without notice was because I didn't want to leave any of the (few) decent co-workers I've had here in a bad place due to my departure. I have a wife and daughter, so do they. While my company might not give a shit about those factors, I do.

After all of: the bullshit, all of the crappy assignments that were given zero support from management and were doomed to fail from the start, the malicious punishments, the improper disciplinary channels, the random calls at 0300 in the morning, the additionally assignments without additional pay, the month long “Employee Concerns Program” suspension because I was acting “aberrantly” (I had just had my first child born the previous month and was on zero sleep, yeah I'm going to be acting a little sleep deprived but it doesn't make anything better when you threaten my job over it), the random feedback, the mercurial nature of management, the assholes just doing enough to get to retirement while I get hosed, the promotion of incompetent people, the merging of my department with another where the manager doesn't give three shits or know anything about what my department does; I have had enough.

Fuck this place.

Onwards to a 12% raise, a signing bonus, and a fresh start.

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