
My job gave me a TBI and won’t pay, now they’ll have to answer to my attorney :)

I got injured on January 18th and have been out of work since. Long story short I was on a ladder in a department that I don’t work for when I reached for a box above my head and it fell on my crown, knocking me 6 feet to the floor. The box itself was like 30 pounds. Flash forward to me in the ER with a Concussion/TBI and being assigned a state doctor for my workers comp case. She decided to have me go back to work after 3 weeks work 2 hours a day with screens and computers against my wishes. I can not repeat enough how fatigued and sensitive to light I am now. I always have migraines and I’m constantly nauseous, I can’t sleep well, those are just some of my symptoms (I also lost my balance and can’t drive at night due to the lights).…

I got injured on January 18th and have been out of work since. Long story short I was on a ladder in a department that I don’t work for when I reached for a box above my head and it fell on my crown, knocking me 6 feet to the floor. The box itself was like 30 pounds.
Flash forward to me in the ER with a Concussion/TBI and being assigned a state doctor for my workers comp case. She decided to have me go back to work after 3 weeks work 2 hours a day with screens and computers against my wishes. I can not repeat enough how fatigued and sensitive to light I am now. I always have migraines and I’m constantly nauseous, I can’t sleep well, those are just some of my symptoms (I also lost my balance and can’t drive at night due to the lights). My therapy doesn’t start for 3 more weeks, I’m not better.
When my work’s insurance also insisted on not paying me, then claiming they sent a check in the mail over a week ago and blaming my company for not giving them the correct information I was pissed.
How can I go back to work to pay for my bills and my family? I can’t so I decided to get attorneys to collect my money for me! Now all I have to do is rest for the most part and finally just focus on healing. 🙂

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