
Pizza Hut has messed up my last 3 paychecks.

So yeah as the title says the last 3 paychecks I’ve gotten something has gone wrong with them. First FedEx lost the entires stores paychecks so we had to wait about a week for that one, and I ended up having to pay a late fee on my rent. Next pay period I get my check and everywhere I go to cash it tries to scan the check and it comes back as “unreadable”. Again I had to wait a week for the company to send me another check. I just tried cashing my check for this week and the same thing is happening nobody will cash my check. My rent is due again in a few days and it’s looking like there’s going to be another late fee again. The first one is $100, the second time you’re late it goes up to $125. I’m barely affording to get…

So yeah as the title says the last 3 paychecks I’ve gotten something has gone wrong with them. First FedEx lost the entires stores paychecks so we had to wait about a week for that one, and I ended up having to pay a late fee on my rent. Next pay period I get my check and everywhere I go to cash it tries to scan the check and it comes back as “unreadable”. Again I had to wait a week for the company to send me another check. I just tried cashing my check for this week and the same thing is happening nobody will cash my check. My rent is due again in a few days and it’s looking like there’s going to be another late fee again. The first one is $100, the second time you’re late it goes up to $125. I’m barely affording to get by as it is since they refuse to pay more than $9/hr. They’re the only company I’ve ever heard of that doesn’t even offer direct deposit as an option, we’re required to get these stupid cursed paychecks.

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