Preface : We've been having carpet work done at our office. For context, I do usually enjoy my coworkers, our clients. There is job satisfaction there. Our managers are well… managers. High and mighty, unapproachable, that type. Former Coach/ Teacher who felt that his coach status somehow makes him superior. If I had a dime for everytime I'd heard that bullshit I'd be wealthy.
Preface Part 2 : I also have hearing loss, and so I talk louder. Most people would have an OUNCE of common sense, consideration for people that do good work, care about others, you know that sort of thing. Not this group. Certain people can speak as loud as they want, but they always get on me for being “too loud”. Even with the door closed. I have to speak at a cerrtain level so both myself and the clients can hear us.
However, as part of the carpet work, things have had to move around a lot. A coworker of mine adjusted a TV in a room that I was working in the next day without telling the tech person. I didn't think anything about it because to me it didn't effect anyone. Boy was I wrong.
Come in on Friday, and he screams at me for the TV being adjusted. I told him a coworker did it, and he walked off in a pansy-like huff. Not “Sorry I thought it was you”, none of that. I really should just be used to this, being education and all.
I've just gotten used to this nonsense, as well as just things that certain people are allowed to do but they treat me differently. Hell, I'm even doubling my anti-depressent dosage so I can tolerate their shit.
A lot of people pull the “I've been here 10-20 years” shit and just think that means something. I want to say “Yeah, well, I've done things that have needed to be done for years, but I guess that means fuck all, doesn't it.”
I am debating if staying here is a good idea or if Just start looking after my contract is up, give them as little notice before i'm offered a new contract, and just basically say “Well, you need to consider treating / paying people better. I'll even take one.”
Just needed to get it off my chest. I have to deal with this clownhattery on monday and I do not look forward to it.