
Capitalism hellscape rant- I can’t do this anymore man

Before I get into this- I just want to say, I AM NOT SUICIDAL. Just really fucking fed up. TLDR; Bf's new job is dragging their asses on starting him, I cant work, and Im behind on rent and don't know what to do. I am so stressed out. I'm 25, and in school. I can't work and do school at the same time because I'm dealing with a chronic pain issue that I'm awaiting surgery for, the chronic pain issue has been fucking up my work and school history as long as I can remember. Only reason I'm able to do school right now is because it's all online and I can do it from home. I'm not qualified for any wfh jobs because all my past work history is customer service/retail- which I don't even have any good references to show for because my health issue caused me…

Before I get into this- I just want to say, I AM NOT SUICIDAL. Just really fucking fed up.

TLDR; Bf's new job is dragging their asses on starting him, I cant work, and Im behind on rent and don't know what to do.

I am so stressed out. I'm 25, and in school. I can't work and do school at the same time because I'm dealing with a chronic pain issue that I'm awaiting surgery for, the chronic pain issue has been fucking up my work and school history as long as I can remember. Only reason I'm able to do school right now is because it's all online and I can do it from home. I'm not qualified for any wfh jobs because all my past work history is customer service/retail- which I don't even have any good references to show for because my health issue caused me to miss shifts, leave on short notice etc.

The Ontario government might as well have gotten rid of student loans with how much they cut the funding. How is 2887$ supposed to support a full time student paying rent, bills, groceries, textbooks etc, for FOUR MONTHS. It was gone before I even got it.

My partner got offered a job, after being unemployed during all of covid (which was fine, we were eligible at the time for covid relief money) and then attending a paid training program to help him deal with his relatively new anxiety and going back into the workforce. It's been two weeks since they “offered” him the job, and then a week later give him the official offer letter which we then find out its conditional on background and reference check, plus previous employment and education verification going back 5 years. This is fine, though a little odd for a factory labour job but hey it comes with great benefits and its right down the street with decent pay. It's been about a week since that, and we're STILL waiting on everything to clear and for him to start. One of the places he worked at for a significant time isn't even a company anymore so idk how that even goes.

But now, we are a month behind on rent- we just paid Feb's rent today with his tax refund, and the rest went to our internet/phone bill – which we could only pay half of. First pay from this job will be paying Marches rent late, then try to pay Aprils on time, somehow feed ourselves in the mean time and keep our phone and internet on.

I'm so sick of this. I don't see a way out or a way to catch up. Credit sucks from it all. I just don't fucking know what to do anymore.

If you read this whole thing, thank you. I really really just needed to rant and get it out. I don't really care if anyone reads it.

ETA: I can't even go on disability benefits because as soon as he starts working full time, I won't be eligible because we're common law. His income counts as mine. which is fucked.

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