
How much are minimum wage jobs, ACTUALLY able to pay their workers?

I’m from Norway, and I’ve been following this sub for a few months. I really like reading your stories, and witnessing the change that is happening to some of your workplaces. I’m a student, and I deliver pizza every other weekend. I make about $19 an hour. If I work on the evening, $1.50 is added on top of that. $2 on the weekends. If both on the evening and on the weekend, they stack. Tipping is not really a thing in Norway, but I do actually get about $8 every shift. 10% goes to the cook, and 30% for taxes. Working for this pizza place, I’ve gained insight in what they make a day, and let me tell you, the shop makes A LOT of money. It is a very popular pizza franchise here in Norway, and I’d say it’s probably the most expensive place you can order from…

I’m from Norway, and I’ve been following this sub for a few months. I really like reading your stories, and witnessing the change that is happening to some of your workplaces.

I’m a student, and I deliver pizza every other weekend. I make about $19 an hour. If I work on the evening, $1.50 is added on top of that. $2 on the weekends. If both on the evening and on the weekend, they stack. Tipping is not really a thing in Norway, but I do actually get about $8 every shift. 10% goes to the cook, and 30% for taxes.

Working for this pizza place, I’ve gained insight in what they make a day, and let me tell you, the shop makes A LOT of money. It is a very popular pizza franchise here in Norway, and I’d say it’s probably the most expensive place you can order from (it tastes really good tho!).

All of this made me wonder. How much do you guys think our minimum wage workplaces ACTUALLY are able to pay us, without going out of business?

At my workplace, I think they could pay me at least $26 an hour. Especially since I do around 4 deliveries every hour which costs the customer $6, and the average price fora pizza is about $20. Many often order two or more pizzas at a time too.

What number do you think your workplaces could really pay you? I’d be awesome if a “rouge” manager of a minimum wage workplace knew the exact numbers.

Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!

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