
Can we have a serious discussion around the propaganda of “nobody wants to work anymore” and how it’s clearly a misinformation campaign created by American Oligarchs?

How is that immediately from the time workplaces were shutdown due to covid restrictions to the beginnings of the Great Resignation that every petty little or large workplace started putting up, the same exact statements that all read something similar to: Please be patient with the workers who chose to show up to work today. Due to government handouts nobody wants to work anymore. How are we all falling for this hook, line and sinker? It’s propaganda. Every workplace that has these signs up have either the same exact wording, or the same exact phrases, the same points of calling out unemployment insurance (which is EARNED btw) and calling workers lazy rather than the truth: Workers are grossly unpaid. The situation has become worse since inflation and corporate greed have worked in tandem to make everything unaffordable. People are quitting in droves because if it’s more expensive to drive to…

How is that immediately from the time workplaces were shutdown due to covid restrictions to the beginnings of the Great Resignation that every petty little or large workplace started putting up, the same exact statements that all read something similar to:

Please be patient with the workers who chose to show up to work today. Due to government handouts nobody wants to work anymore.

How are we all falling for this hook, line and sinker? It’s propaganda. Every workplace that has these signs up have either the same exact wording, or the same exact phrases, the same points of calling out unemployment insurance (which is EARNED btw) and calling workers lazy rather than the truth:

Workers are grossly unpaid. The situation has become worse since inflation and corporate greed have worked in tandem to make everything unaffordable. People are quitting in droves because if it’s more expensive to drive to work and have someone watch your kids than the actual paycheck you’re there for. What’s the point of working at all?! If you’re poor in both situations then you might as well stay home with the kids and save the childcare costs.

What I find strange is how we aren’t addressing the persistent, manipulative-propaganda of these false narratives around the Great Resignation. Why aren’t we making it a point to call it out? It’s not about the shitty individual business. It’s about the national campaign of disinformation about the worker’s revolution. We aren’t lazy. We’re empowered to simply just walk away from low pay places. We’ll keep walking away from them until they’re all shuttered or they choose to stay in business by paying living wages.

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