So I moved out of state for a job in my industry.
Pays $6 an hour with tips ranging from $100-$500 a day.
We keep our own tips, but up to $20 of my tips are shared amongst the low level managers, and this is rather rare in our industry. It bumps their pay and we tend to get to work with a better quality of what is usually poor supervisor (for many complicated reasons). All to forgo giving the supervisors more salary.
Still many of these supervisors suck to work for and I will NOT be supporting their tip pool.
We have three locations so my schedule is whack, I could have my schedule start times change four times in a week. The properties have separate leaderships that don’t communicate well or standardize rules. If another location needs the work we are told to clock out, transport ourselves to the other property on our own means and time. Overtime has stopped but was nearing sixty hours a week over the holidays.
Do to my recent negligence I had received a write up and three day suspension. (Chaotic industry I will be framing it.) I have been recovering from a near catastrophic medical episode and my performance had suffered. My bad, I was at fault. Thankfully I am constantly getting better it will just be a matter of nutrition, rest, and exercise.
During my five day vacation I thought a lot about whatever the fuck it is I am doing out here.
So today I woke up an hour late for the location I am the most miserable to work for. I called my parents and discussed my gripes and they told me, “It sounds kind of rash but you always seem to find your way you will be fine. Do what you want to do.”
Called in to quit and was brief. Nothing interesting to say.
Jobs in this business are two a penny it will just take some time to find a workplace with the clientele that I want to work for. I do not have to work for you, not for $48-$20 =$28 a day. Talent will go where it is wanted not where it is needed.
I know you all hate hearing the shill of joining the service industry. But my niche skills give me the flexibility to be this rash and quit. I am scared of being unemployed but my uncle told me this great piece of advice,
“I was looking for a job when I found this one.”
Trying to be vague duh and sorry
TLDR: Woke up late, called work and quit.
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