

I had a revelation today. I was raised to believe hard work pays off and shamed for any display of not wanting to work. I was force fed narratives that I should have some passion that I would like to do for 40 hours per week…which then became 50…which now sits somewhere between 60-70-100. Listening to executives say “no one wants to work anymore” these last two years was really the straw that broke this camel’s back. Executives never do meaningful work and would NEVER do any of the real work the people below them do. Executives are the ones that do not want to work. Worse, they don’t want to hire at a fair wage because it would eat away at their personal wealth. Never mind that they don’t need this wealth and did not earn it. They were merely in the right place when our government decided to…

I had a revelation today. I was raised to believe hard work pays off and shamed for any display of not wanting to work. I was force fed narratives that I should have some passion that I would like to do for 40 hours per week…which then became 50…which now sits somewhere between 60-70-100.

Listening to executives say “no one wants to work anymore” these last two years was really the straw that broke this camel’s back.

Executives never do meaningful work and would NEVER do any of the real work the people below them do. Executives are the ones that do not want to work. Worse, they don’t want to hire at a fair wage because it would eat away at their personal wealth. Never mind that they don’t need this wealth and did not earn it. They were merely in the right place when our government decided to hand out billions to corporations and push assets up to now laughable levels.

What’s worse is Executives sold our country out and strengthened all of our enemies. Executives are the reason 21% of all oil is imported into the US from Russia, which now murders children without a care in the world and threatens nuclear war.

And Executives could most easily be replaced by AI…RIGHT NOW. Yet we allow them to push a narrative that robots will replace us workers. Never mind that I have been tasked with implementing the same “automation” processes for 20 years and none of these implementations ever eliminate the need for my services.

How much longer are we going to allow these “leaders” to destroy our living conditions and control our resources. Not much longer I hope. Their short-sighted greed and lying tongues are causing real death and destruction. It’s high time we force accountability.

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