
High class restaurant in Chicago

I completely forgot I had an interview at a high class restaurant in a rich neighborhood and it went very well. Towards the end of the interview the guy interviewing me said “Yeah so come in for your work interview on Friday at 5pm and then at 9pm you can grab a meal and a drink from the bar so you don’t feel used.” I immediately said “The work interview is unpaid?” To which he replied “Well… yes.” I then said “I’m not going to work for free.” He then said he would talk to someone about paying me for the interview and he would give me a call to come in on Sunday instead. I never received a phone call. I’m assuming they’re just taking advantage of young people to plug their labor shortage and then just spitting them back out onto the street. They wanted me to have…

I completely forgot I had an interview at a high class restaurant in a rich neighborhood and it went very well. Towards the end of the interview the guy interviewing me said “Yeah so come in for your work interview on Friday at 5pm and then at 9pm you can grab a meal and a drink from the bar so you don’t feel used.” I immediately said “The work interview is unpaid?” To which he replied “Well… yes.” I then said “I’m not going to work for free.” He then said he would talk to someone about paying me for the interview and he would give me a call to come in on Sunday instead. I never received a phone call. I’m assuming they’re just taking advantage of young people to plug their labor shortage and then just spitting them back out onto the street. They wanted me to have a work interview for food running. What the fuck lol.

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