
New boss

We got a new boss three weeks ago. Our department has been without a manager for two years and it has been a huge struggle so everyone was super excited. My gut instantly told me this guy was off. The first phone meeting he starts referring to coworkers as “grandmas” and “old hens” and “obsolete”. When I tried to shift to less offensive terms (I said it was definitely an issue with the generational differences between the younger generations and older ones) he laughed at how PC I was. He has since made multiple derogatory and super inappropriate comments. He’s super aggressive and won’t let me even get a word in during our “meetings”, and has completely flipped on what he initially said we were going to do (something upper management has been trying to accomplish for two years). Any time I try to talk to him he goes on…

We got a new boss three weeks ago. Our department has been without a manager for two years and it has been a huge struggle so everyone was super excited.

My gut instantly told me this guy was off. The first phone meeting he starts referring to coworkers as “grandmas” and “old hens” and “obsolete”. When I tried to shift to less offensive terms (I said it was definitely an issue with the generational differences between the younger generations and older ones) he laughed at how PC I was.

He has since made multiple derogatory and super inappropriate comments. He’s super aggressive and won’t let me even get a word in during our “meetings”, and has completely flipped on what he initially said we were going to do (something upper management has been trying to accomplish for two years). Any time I try to talk to him he goes on about he’s the manager and everyone just needs to do what he says etc.

He’s cause multiple blowouts and because he’s working from home until he moves into town he basically walks away from his computer for hours.

He’s made it very clear he doesn’t like me, and has started disrupting my training time needed to get the promotion I was promised.

So I made a complaint with upper management and absolutely threw this guy under the bus, documenting all of it. Have a meeting with his boss this morning who I have a long and pleasant history with.

I’m pretty sure this new guy has been job hopping his entire career lying about his qualifications and then blowing stuff up and moving to the next job before the fallout hits him.

It’s a common thing to see in my field.

But it’s super disheartening because I’ve been busting my ass and in the last month was finally making huge strides forward and this asshat has completely blown it all up.

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