
This sub needs to wake the fuck up to reality

I am staunchly against the current corporate structure, the low wages, the lack of benefits, the total lack of regard for the working class. However, this sub has turned into a conspiracy theory forum for people who think corporate America is in on a scheme to destroy the working class by any means possible. If we want to make changes we need to be realistic. Screaming at the sun about some strawman in a pinstripe suit is not going to get us anywhere. The reality is that most companies’ structure goes as follows: Shareholders demand to see increase in profits in anyway possible. They want their money to grow. Executives who never meet the working class employees devise plans based on numbers, not humans. High level managers are given the plans and told to execute them. Mid level managers are relayed the plans and sometimes the high level managers come…

I am staunchly against the current corporate structure, the low wages, the lack of benefits, the total lack of regard for the working class. However, this sub has turned into a conspiracy theory forum for people who think corporate America is in on a scheme to destroy the working class by any means possible.

If we want to make changes we need to be realistic. Screaming at the sun about some strawman in a pinstripe suit is not going to get us anywhere.

The reality is that most companies’ structure goes as follows:

Shareholders demand to see increase in profits in anyway possible. They want their money to grow.
Executives who never meet the working class employees devise plans based on numbers, not humans.
High level managers are given the plans and told to execute them.
Mid level managers are relayed the plans and sometimes the high level managers come visit their sites.
Low level management, essentially working class, are told what to do with no choice in the matter and having no idea where these plans come from. They must pass it on to their employees.
Working class is pushed around, not paid fairly, stretched thin, etc.

Working class complains to their manager.
Low level manager passes along complaint to mid level manager.
Mid level mentions in passing to high level that there are some complaints. High level tells mid level to deal with it.

This is where things are getting misconstrued.

Mid level managers are in that in between of working class and comfortably middle class. They want that promotion, they need the promotion. So they drink the kool aid, they dance for their puppet masters. They just do whatever it takes to get the promotion. They don’t think about people below them, they just want to appease their higher-ups. There is no grand scheme to oppress their employees. They just cut costs wherever they can.
The same goes for those higher-ups with the chance to become executives. And the crazy part is, they’re all idiots.

They don’t CARE about us, not that they want us to suffer because they don’t care, they just don’t care to think about us. We’re just pawns in their game of trying to look out for themselves. And to look out for yourself is to look out for the company because that’s who’s paying your bills.

To act like there’s some big conspiracy going on to oppress the working class is misguided and only hindering us from making real changes. To make changes you have to understand what is actually happening. If I wanted a faster car and I thought there was a conspiracy that fuel providers were intentionally limiting the performance of our cars, and I start trying to refine my own fuel, I’d be wasting my time. I should be changing out parts, not wasting my time on some conspiracy that’s not really there.

To make real changes we need to work to break down this corporate structure as it currently exists.

I worry that a lot of people in this sub enjoy complaining and have schemed up these strawmen so as to have someone to blame. That’s lazy thinking, there is no easy solution.

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