
My manager makes me prepare pointless reports that nobody actually looks at, just in case so he can be “prepared” in his leadership meetings! I’m quitting with some Easter Eggs I left behind!

So every other week I have to download a massive data table, filter and arrange information to her liking. Rows and rows of account details and links. On top of that charts and summaries. I have been doing this for the past 16 months and months, x2 a month. Takes half of my day! First time I realised nobody was looking at this report was about 7-8 months ago. I checked the “views” on the sheet I prepare and shockingly it was only “1” Meaning not even my manager was not looking at it. So I started adding to some hyperlinks. Started from bottom of the presentation to gradually top, higher and higher in rows. Nada! Not a single comment or feedback! I resigned and quitting next month!

So every other week I have to download a massive data table, filter and arrange information to her liking. Rows and rows of account details and links. On top of that charts and summaries.

I have been doing this for the past 16 months and months, x2 a month. Takes half of my day!

First time I realised nobody was looking at this report was about 7-8 months ago. I checked the “views” on the sheet I prepare and shockingly it was only “1”

Meaning not even my manager was not looking at it. So I started adding to some hyperlinks.

Started from bottom of the presentation to gradually top, higher and higher in rows.

Nada! Not a single comment or feedback!

I resigned and quitting next month!

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