
Workplace infantilization.

I don't know whether this belongs in antiwork or lostgeneration, but I'm angry that my whole life every company has tried to treat people like children. I'm a grown adult with an education, a mortgage, and a career in a professional field. Yet my employer recently changed goal-setting to be a worker responsibility, and micromanages the ####ing GRAMMAR we use in those goals. Heaven forbid our supervisor should direct us openly, instead, every two weeks the whole team gets to play a half-hour guessing game where we propose random goals and sentence structures until we find the one they already had in mind. But that's not demeaning enough. We spend tens of hours together planning product features, scheduling work tasks, and curating a finely prioritized to-do list, but apparently that isn't “engaging” enough. Now we also have daily meetings where they call on people to read our goals aloud for…

I don't know whether this belongs in antiwork or lostgeneration, but I'm angry that my whole life every company has tried to treat people like children. I'm a grown adult with an education, a mortgage, and a career in a professional field.

Yet my employer recently changed goal-setting to be a worker responsibility, and micromanages the ####ing GRAMMAR we use in those goals. Heaven forbid our supervisor should direct us openly, instead, every two weeks the whole team gets to play a half-hour guessing game where we propose random goals and sentence structures until we find the one they already had in mind.

But that's not demeaning enough. We spend tens of hours together planning product features, scheduling work tasks, and curating a finely prioritized to-do list, but apparently that isn't “engaging” enough. Now we also have daily meetings where they call on people to read our goals aloud for the rest of the team, like schoolchildren.

What's next? Are we going to sing the company jingle together? Are they going to require my mother's signature to prove that I actually read their email?

I HATE sitting in group calls while an old person who can't even type nags us about how we worded their ideas when we regurgitated them back at them. I hate that American work culture forces me to bite my tongue while a person who can't even understand how they ended up with two web browsers open treats me like I'm too stupid to remember a goal that I ####ing wrote.

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